Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A person who, upon the attainment of the age of twenty-one years, is a citizen of Kenya and also a citizen of some country other than Kenya shall,

  • Cease to be a citizen of Kenya upon the specified date unless he has renounced his citizenship of that other country, taken the oath of allegiance and, in the case of a person who was born outside Kenya, made and registered such declaration of his intentions.

    This means that anyone can become a citizen of Kenya as well as the citizen of another country but there are other things that determine whether the person will get the dual citizenship one thing is that they have to be 21 and above.
    Many people are open to this idea and like this idea.

    For the purposes of this section, where, under the law of a country other than Kenya, a person cannot renounce his citizenship of that other country, he can't make the renunciation but he may instead be required to make such declaration concerning that citizenship.


  • He has reached twenty-one years, he acquires the citizenship of some country other than Kenya by voluntary act (other than marriage); or

  • Having attained the age of twenty-one years, he otherwise acquires the citizenship of some country other than Kenya and has not, by the specified date, renounced his citizenship of that other country, taken the oath of allegiance and made and registered such declaration of his intentions concerning residence.

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